- Player that can move left, right, and jump (once before landing)
- Simple platforms that collide with player
- Scene boundries
- A background layer
- Score board
- 1 pickup item that adds 1 to score
- 1 enemy that moves on a pre-determined path, kills player on contact
- restart button that appears after player dies
- 1 new pickup item that grands double-jump
- Win condition and win screen
- Player shoots a projectile that kills enemies
- 1 new enemy that chases the player
- Trap tile that kills the player
- Player health bar
- 1 new pickup item that restores player health
- High score board
Day 1:
Made 1 platform that collides with player.
Made 1 player that can be controlled to move left, right, and jump - currently unlimited.
Day 1 Lunch:
Downloaded sample project bundle http://u3d.as/content/m2h/c-game-examples/1sG
Converted player control script to C#.
Plans for Day 2:
Figure out how to limit the player to jump only once before landing.
Make a background image
Make scene boundries
Make a pickup item that spawns randomly
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